Welcome to YOUR Sphere...

Yes, it really is Tarzan in a high-tech world!  While still being overwhelmed by (and sometimes entangled in) technology, some close brothers of mine have come alongside to help me launch the BTS Website.  And here is something even more humorous...while this site will include a "blog page" that will be hopefully be an encouragement to all of us as we "serve those who serve", I have never made an entry on a blog before!  So as you visit the different pages on this newly launched site for the first time, take a quick minute to respond to the question below and/or read the responses from others....

As you think back to the "early years" of following our Savior, there are probably several key leaders that God used to impact your growth.  How did you express your appreciation to them/him/her for how they allowed God to work through them to impact you? (i.e. how did you deliver your gratitude and what did you communicate?)